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At Temple Mill we want our children to be artists and love the creative arts. We equip them with the knowledge and skills to be able to reflect, experiment and invent. Our aim is that they deepen their understanding of themselves and our world, preparing them for secondary school where they can become unique artists and designers. We wish for them to have ambition, and go on to become graphic designers, illustrators, printmakers, fashion designers or architects. 

The Art, Craft and Design curriculum at Temple Mill intends to give children the opportunity to discover, create and master their skills across disciplines. We promote hands-on exploration, experimenting with open minds, sharing of ideas and celebrating everyone’s outcomes. It is an inclusive subject, empowers all and our children a confident to share their projects, their ideas and how they are all different.

The children will be nurtured and taught a rich Art and Design curriculum in a way that ensures progression of skills, it follows a sequence to build on previous learning. Drawing, painting and 3D projects are undertaken in each year, this begins in EYFS, where we develop their observation skills, hand-on experimentation and support the use of their imaginations. We aim for the children to have a greater sense of self and the world they live in, to feel they belong, are accepted and that their individuality can be expressed.

Children are able to explore a range of materials and processes openly and purposefully, improving control whilst recognising different qualities and taking risks. Children will have opportunities to be Art Detectives; describing, discussing, analysing, interpreting and making personal judgements about works of art, their own and others in the school.

The children will gain experience and skills of a wide range of formal elements of art in a way that enhance their learning opportunities, enabling them to use art and design across a range of subjects to be creative problem solvers, ensuring they make good progress. Enthusiastic artists are evidenced in a range of ways; pupil voice, skills sessions, sketchbooks, gallery walks, critiques and final pieces. Achievements are celebrated within classroom displays, corridor displays and sharing work with teachers. We place an emphasis on encouraging exploratory journeys, working towards varied and individual outcomes.

We are using the Access Art curriculum, which includes Formal elements, Art skills and sketchbooks skills.  This year we are moving forward in our journey with AccessArt in the hopes it will provide further CPD, a greater range of ideas and projects which can inspire staff and children, but can also be adapted to suit our learners. Access Art offers us optional projects, progression of skills and support with planning to ensure we are delivering a high-quality curriculum. It allows the skills and knowledge to be taught through projects, cross-curricular/topic-based learning as well as discreet skills lessons focussed on a variety of skills. It offers coverage of all aspects of Art and Design in line with NC 2014 and above. The resources provide teachers with a structure and a way to improve their subject knowledge, teachers are able to build upon skills as professionals. As the year continues and we shall review units of work, tailor this scheme, make creative links and adapt the curriculum to meet the needs for the following year. 

Curriculum Overview