We are delighted to welcome you to Temple Mill Primary School which became part of the Howard Academy Trust in 2015. The continuing upward trends of end of key stage results reflects the hard work and commitment of our experienced and settled staff working in partnership with governors, pupils and parents.
We are a single form entry school with its own onsite Nursery. There are 8 classes in school, from Nursery to Year 6, we have over 200 pupils on roll from Year R to Year 6 and over 30 children access the nursery provision, either full time or part time.
We are committed to the all-round development of our pupils and this is reflected through our continuing hard work on developing and enhancing our curriculum. We also source and utilise specialist teachers to enhance our provision, such as in Spanish, music and PE.
We aim to develop happy, resilient and responsible individuals who are given the opportunity to reach their full potential. We have strived to create a nurturing and supportive atmosphere where every pupil is supported to achieve their best. We believe strongly in the importance of a close working relationship between home and school to aid and support pupils’ progress.
24/05/20 12:41:2620 May 2024
We are thrilled to announce that Temple Mill Primary School continues to be a “Good” school in our rece...
24/03/01 00:00:001 Mar 2024
We are taking groups of children to visit Larkin Farm at Abbey Court School.We were given a tour of the farm and thi...
24/02/23 00:00:0023 Feb 2024
Before we broke up, our House Captains set a Holiday Challenge to create something to promote ways for us to protect our...
24/02/01 00:00:001 Feb 2024
Year 4 have been creating their own slingshot cars this week. They used lolly sticks and a hot glue gun to begin buildin...
Temple Mill Primary School are seeking to appoint an EYFS Learning Support Assistant, to start from September 2024. For more information please visit Kent Teach via the link below: https://www.kent-teach.com/Recruitment/Vacancy/VacancyDetails.aspx?VacancyId=136907
Some good news! We earned the Gold 2023/24 School Games Mark!
Our PGL group arrived safely last night and got straight onto their first activity - campfire songs!
Double Dockyard Trip! Both Year 2 and Year 3 classes visited the Historic Dockyard in Chatham. They each had a different focus for their visit but both had wonderful experiences! Year 2 took part in the retelling of the story of Grace Darling, famous for her part in the rescue of survivors from a wrecked ship in 1883. They also went on the submarine, The Ocelot which was a tight squeeze but very exciting. The class were thrilled to make their own piece of rope which has now been put up in the classroom to use as a zip line for the Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch! Year 3 discovered the best way to craft a boat out of tape and corex which we then floated in a wave and wind tank. We explored the submarine HMS Ocelot including the incredibly narrow bunk beds, and walked around the destroyer HMS Cavalier which we learned was named the fastest destroyer following it's race with others in the fleet.
Interested in joining Temple Mill? We are holding a number of tours through the rest of the year, for the Reception Class intake September 2025!
Tuesday 15th October | 1.15pm and 2.15pm
Thursday 17th October | 1.15pm and 2.15pm
Thursday 21st November | 1.15pm and 2.15pm
Tuesday 26th November | 1.15pm and 2.15pm
Thursday 9th January 2025 | 1.15pm and 2.15pm
If you would like to attend any of the above tours, please email us at office@templemill.medway.sch.uk confirming which tour you wish to attend, your name and contact number plus the name and DOB of your child.
We are pleased to announce that Temple Mill Primary School continues to be a “Good” school, following our recent Ofsted inspection!
Inspectors highlighted that “Pupils are rightly proud of their nurturing and inclusive school. They love coming to school and enjoy learning”, and that “Staff know the pupils very well and there are strong and trusting relationships”.
We would like to thank all of our staff for their tireless effort, and all of our parents for their never-ending support.